uploads/sunday punch.jpg

sunday punch 〔美拳〕猛擊;〔轉義〕(對付敵手的)強有力手段。

sunday run

Some senators feel that if air power is to be the main threat , we are not spending enough on aircraft to give us the “ sunday punch “ needed 有些參議員認為,盡管我們的空軍力量可對敵人造成主要威脅,但我們卻沒有在飛機方面投入足夠的財力來獲取這一所需的“殺手锏” 。

“ the americans come in with the sunday punch , and down go the germans . “ - the end of wwi , 11 october 2001 美國人帶了周日的五味酒參戰,德國人就卸甲而逃。第一次世界大戰的結束, 2001年10月11日。

The champion knocked down his opponent in the second round with a sunday punch 在第二個回合中,這位冠軍用最有力的一擊打倒了對手。

The champ knocked out his opponent with a sunday punch 那冠軍以致命的一擊打倒了對手。